
Murdered, Not Missing: The Fight for Child Abduction Laws

Chloe Hinchcliffe, Esmeralda Romero, Adriana Deming, Sierra Salazar Cottle
Junior Division
Group Website 

Total Word Count: 1162
Process Paper: 467


​​​​​​​In the most recent centuries, the number of children whom have been abducted and recovered has increased exponentially. During the development of social structures the first form of abduction was slavery, but throughout time laws were passsed that prohibited slavery and the right to own a person. Sadly this did not last long. Though there are still many issues with child labor laws, that is not what we are here to talk about. We are talking about the child abduction problem. In the early 1600’s when the United States was first being developed law enforcement was very basic. People such as the county sheriffs and “Judges”, only focused on money and had a strong religious motive. Lots of the time the missing children were labeled as runaways, because most of the time they were. But every now and then, it wasn't a runaway case, yet still was not investigated as there was less money in it for the sheriffs. so while still painfull, it was easier for the families and communites to belive that the kids where alive some where instedbealiveing there was somone out there raping and abusing the children. A lot of this tradition carried on throughout the years until they couldn’t ignore the runaways any longer, because the runaways never returned. So many kids learned this better than anyone, when their early gravestones marked the need for better law enforcement. So when individuals started taking advantage of the ignorance of the justice system, society realized a change had to be made. A barrier had to be broken. And the breakthrough that they realized became known as law enforcement.


"I think that people at Valley are pretty safe. There's not a problem."- Heidi Setddom (Sophomore in same school as Johnny Gosch)


"People need to acknowledge the problem and deal with it."

-Noreen Gosch (mother of Johnny Gosch)











"I think that as long as they (students) use their heads and don't go off alone, they'll be safe. As long as they use their brain there's not a problem" - Barbra Slinker (Mother of student in same town as Johnny Gosch)